1. Database Development Projects
2. Analytical Projects
3. Software Development Projects
4. IN-SILICO Drug Discovery Projects
5. Development of Bioinformatics Education Materials Projects

1. Database Development Projects

Objective of the Project

This project will allow students to develop background knowledge as well as core expertise in Database Management Systems. The students will learn Database concept, Data Structure, Data Models, various approaches to Database design, strengths of relational model, Normalization.

At the end of the project the student will be able to

• Understand Database design and normalization techniques.

• Use Standard Query Language and its various versions.

• Understand Importance of backup and recovery techniques.

• Develop Database system to handle the real world problem

Software's Used:

1. JAVA 2. MSQL Server 2005/ Oracle


2. ASP.NET 2. MSQL Server 2005/ Oracle

Sample Project titles

Automation of suitable diseases
Management of suitable proteins
Enzyme management system
Metabolic pathway management system
Genome mapping databases
Organism specific databases

2. ANALYTICAL Projects

Objective of the Project

The rapidly increasing number of nucleotide and amino acid sequence data has become a major source of information for biomedical researchers. We think that this Sequence Analysis project is an important part of the training of every student in biology or biochemistry.

* To ensure familiarity with basic computer concepts and their everyday use in a biological laboratory setting.

* To acquaint the students with the structure of molecular sequence databases and with the methods to analyze their contents.

* To present some of the biological resources available on the Internet and their usefulness (or lack thereof).

Sample Project titles

A) Comparative Genomics

B) Phylogenetic analysis

1.Phylip 2. Treetop 3. Phylodraw

C) Structure and function prediction

1. Primary Structure - PROPSEARCH, COMPUTE Pi/ MW

2. Secondary Structure - SOPMA, NN-PREDICT

3. Tertiary Structure - SWISS MODEL

4. Specialized Structure - COILS2, SIGNAL P

D) Multiple sequence alignment (MSA)
1. Repeat Masker 2. GCUA 3. EMBOSS TRANSEQ 4.CLUSTAL W 5. MAST 6. PFAM
7 ORF Finder

E) QSAR studies
1. Hyperchem

3. Software Development Projects

Bioprogramming and BioImaging

Objective of the Project

The first phase of project development is bioprogramming. This involves basic project planning and assembly of the design criteria, and includes quantification of all project components which describe functions and operations. Bioprogramming can be simple or detailed, depending on the nature and purpose of the project. Although frequently overlooked, bioprogramming is the most vital phase. Thorough effort at this time makes all subsequent stages easier, and avoids future complications and disagreements.

Software's Used:


Sample Project titles

Nucleotide content prediction tool
Aminoacid content prediction tool
Protein Amplification Restriction tool

4. IN-SILICO Drug Discovery Projects

Objective of the Project

Learning Objectives after this project you should be able to: Explain the individual steps involved in calculating a protein homology model. Identify suitable templates for modelling. Outline the principles behind ab initio protein structure prediction. Describe the differences between homology modelling and ab initio structure prediction. Describe the major pitfalls in protein modelling.

Software’s Used:


Sample Project titles

Molecular modeling of pfEMP1 related with malarial diseases
Molecular docking of pfEMP1 with hydroxyl choloroquine
Drug designing and development of hydroxyl choloroquine

5. Development of Bioinformatics Education Materials Projects

Objective of the Project

Development of teaching & elearning modules in Bioinformatics

Effort for virtual experimental screening of chemical libraries with important targets from major infectious diseases Diseases

Software's Used:

Flash, Photoshop

Sample Project titles

Visual representation of process on Drug docking
Demonstration on any analytical methods

Friday, April 11, 2008


Bioinformatics a new way to explore science...

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My Project Web Page & Sequence Analysis Tool using PERL & CGI

My Project Web Page & Sequence Analysis Tool using PERL & CGI
Sequence Analysis Tools

Aminoacid Content Prediction Tool(ACP)

Aminoacid Content Prediction Tool(ACP)
Predicts total no. of aminoacids in a given query sequence.

Nucleotide Content Prediction Tool(NCP)

Nucleotide Content Prediction Tool(NCP)
Predicts total no. of nucleotides in a given query sequence.